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Ecology of the Mountain Hawk Eagle in Nepal

Mountain Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis nipalensis) is one of the high-profile species in the forest of mountain ranges in Asia. Photo by: Hari Basnet

The Mountain Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus nipalensis nipalensis) is one of the high-profile species in the forest of mountain ranges in Asia. It is considered locally common within its distributional range of Nepal. However, no systematic population surveys/estimations have been conducted for this species in Nepal and as a result, its population status remains little known. Moreover, relatively very less studies occur resulting insufficient information on several aspects including movement (home range size and use), breeding biology and habitat selection, fledging dependency period, prey species selection, nest predation and other possible threats. The species could be termed “data deficient” due to the poor quality of records and limited understanding of its ecology. Hence to unveil all these mysteries of Mountain Hawk Eagle, we have deployed the GPS-GSM transmitter to three young Mountain Hawk Eagle and installed a camera trap in the nest of Mountain Hawk Eagle with the following objectives:

  1. Movement ecology of Mountain Hawk-Eagle
  2. Breeding Biology of the species
  3. Habitat selection, fledging dependency period, prey species selection, nest predation and other possible threats

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